Two Poems

The Coward

When a fox eats
when a fox eats where a fox
eats then the fox eats
when the fox is hungry
the fox eats and when the fox
finds food the fox eats when
the fox isn't hungry and the
fox finds food the fox
the fox eats when fox
when fox doesn't
find food the fox gets
hungry and very hungry and maybe
the fox dies if the fox
does not find food for long
the fox dies the fox ate and ate
and then the fox died or when the fox is
too slow the fox dies when the fox
ignores its better instincts
or has not instincts or when the fox
has bad instincts then the
fox also dies but the fox will probably
have many meals before the fox dies
the fox dies the fox dies
the fox dies and the fox dies
but I saw a dead fox
a dead fox and I saw a dead rat
and I see live rats everyday